How to Graduate with a Degree or Certificate

(Commencement Ceremony and Diploma information is listed at the bottom of the page.)


Degree/Certificate Application Deadlines:


Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT)


For Fall 2025 CSU Applicants (CSU application period October 1 – November 30, 2024): To ensure sufficient processing time for CSU E-Verification, it is highly recommended to apply for the ADT Degree by February 7, 2025.  Final degree application deadline is March 7, 2025, 5pm..


For Spring 2026 CSU Applicants (CSU application period August 1 - August 31, 2025): To ensure sufficient processing time for CSU E-Verification, it is highly recommended to apply for the ADT Degree by September 8, 2025.  Final degree application deadline is October 10, 2025.


*SDSU Spring Admissions Appeals for Veterans and Active Duty: applicants who wish to use an ADT for admission that was not posted by June of the previous calendar year must file a general petition in Admissions and Records. Please contact for assistance.


Associate Degrees and Certificates (Non-ADTs)

Spring 2025:                          Apply by March 7, 2025   - 5:00pm


*The application for Summer 2025 Cuyamaca College degrees/certificates will open for submission on March 24, 2025. 


Degree and Certificate Application Steps 1-2-3

To apply for a degree and/or certificate, please read all of the following steps:


1. Make sure all official transcripts from outside institutions you have previously attended are submitted to Admissions and Records by the application deadline posted above.

Note: Electronic delivery of transcripts is best, if available. 


  • All transcripts are required for Associate Degree requests, but are only required for Certificate of Achievements and Specialization if courses from an outside college will be used to satisfy requirements. 
  • Official work-in-progress transcripts are required by the application deadline for concurrent enrollment at another college during the term in which the application is filed. A final follow-up official transcript is required at the completion of the term in order to finalize and award the degree/certificate. This applies to all Associate Degree requests, and to Certificates as outlined above. 

2. Check your eligibility status with a counselor to ensure you meet all of your degree/certificate requirements. Contact Counseling Services to make an appointment, or use "Talk with a Counselor" to verify you meet all graduation requirements. 


3. Submit your degree/certificate application to the Admissions and Records office before the posted deadline dates listed above. The earlier the better!


Degree/Certificate Applications - Status Review Timeline

Processing of degree/certificate applications will begin according to the following schedule:  June 1st for summer applications; August 1 for fall applications; December 1 for spring applications.


Approximately 3 weeks from the date noted above, or from the time your application is received if submitted after the dates listed above, you will receive an official evaluation via email which shows your status towards completing the degree(s) and/or certificate(s) you requested. Attached to your evaluation(s) will be a letter explaining how to read your evaluation(s) and information about the graduation process. 


General Petitions, Modification of Major Forms-Name, Address, and Email Changes

If you intend to file a General Petition to address a degree/certificate requirement, pursue major course adjustments with a specific department via a Modification of Major form, or make official Name, Address, or Email changes, these forms must be filed in the Admissions and Records Office or Evaluations by the stated application deadline. 


Petitions and Modification of Major forms, as well as, Name, Address, and Email changes can be accessed, submitted, and processed electronically. These forms and further instructions can be found on the Admissions and Records webpage. 


All graduation and diploma communications will be sent to the email address on file with the college, which can be verified on WebAdvisor. Please ensure your email address is correct to avoid missing important information about your degree/certificate and the graduation (Commencement) ceremony. 


Making Changes to Your Graduation Applications

If you would like to add or remove degree/certificate selections on your graduation application, adjust your diploma mailing address, or your choice regarding the Commencement Ceremony, please email your Evaluator directly (listed below) with the requested changes. Please DO NOT submit a new graduation application. The deadline to request changes to your application are as follows: 


Spring semester:          The week of Spring Break

Summer semester:       July 15th

Fall semester:               Thanksgiving Week


Awarding of Degrees and Certificates

At the end of each term, final grades are processed by the Admissions and Records Office approximately 2-3 weeks after the semester officially ends. At that time, eligibility for degrees/certificates requested for the current term will be updated. If you have met all of the stated requirements, your degree and/or certificate will be posted to your Cuyamaca College transcript. 


Note: All official transcripts from outside institutions are due before degrees/certificates can be finalized, including concurrent work-in-progress transcripts. 


How Can I Verify My Degree/Certificate--Ordering an Official Transcript

To verify your earned degree/certificate to an outside institution or agency, you may order a final transcript and select the "Hold for Degree/After Degree is Posted" Option-this will ensure your degree/certificate is posted to your transcript before it is mailed. We suggest ordering final transcripts no later than the final exam period to allow time for processing. 


For degrees and certificates that were earned in a prior semester, an official transcript may be ordered at any time. 


Mailing Diplomas

Before the Final Exam period of each term, the Evaluations Office will send an email to all degree/certificate candidates for that term, with an estimate of when diplomas will be mailed. 


If a change of address is needed of where to mail your diploma(s), please email your Evaluator directly or the Evaluations Office at with your full name, student ID#, preferred mailing address and the semester in which you are earning your degree/certificate, by the following deadlines: 


Spring term: June 1st 

Summer term: July 15th

Fall term: December 15th


Note: This mailing address change is only for your diploma(s) to be mailed. To officially change your address on file with the college, you must complete an Address Change form, which can be found on the Admissions and Records webpage, and submit it to the Admissions and Records Office at: or you may update your address through your WebAdvisor account. 


Note: If you would prefer to pick-up your diploma in person, please send a request to the Evaluations Office at:


What if I'm not ready to graduate?

If you do not have all required course(s) either completed or in-progress by the drop deadline of the semester in which you apply to earn a degree/certificate, you will be notified by email that your request for graduation has been denied and you will need to reapply in a future semester. All application and drop deadlines are listed in the class schedule and college catalog, as well as the college website


Commencement Ceremony

Each year, at the completion of the spring semester, the Cuyamaca College Commencement Ceremony is held on campus for eligible graduates of the prior year's summer and fall terms, and current prospective spring candidates. Eligible participants will receive information about the ceremony from the Student Affairs Department in late April. This information will be sent to the student's email address on file at the college. 


Please visit the Commencement page for more information about the ceremony and events or contact Student Affairs


Note: Students who plan to complete a degree/certificate in a future term may request to participate in the Commencement Ceremony with approval by Counseling Services. Please contact Counseling for specific deadline dates to apply and to review the instructions and criteria for participation in this manner. (Deadline dates to apply are generally in early May-please inquire as soon as you are interested). 


Graduating with Honors vs. PTK Honor Society Membership


To officially graduate with Honors requires an OVERALL GPA of 3.5 or higher for all degree-applicable units, from all colleges attended. The overall GPA is determined at the completion of the term in which a student has applied for an Associate Degree. 


Note: Graduating with Honors applies to Associate Degrees only, Certificates of Achievement and Certificates of Specialization are not eligible. 


For the Commencement Ceremony, the OVERALL GPA used for Honors recognition is as follows:


Summer and Fall graduates: Final OVERALL degree-applicable GPA used when degree was posted. 


Spring candidates: The OVERALL GPA at the completion of the 8th week of classes is used for Honors eligibility/recognition during the yearly Commencement Ceremony.


Once FINAL grades have been posted for the spring term, this OVERALL GPA is used to determine official eligibility for graduating with Honors which will be posted on the college transcript and diplomas.  


Note: For Spring degree candidates, the GPA used for the Commencement Program and the final GPA at the completion of the semester may differ. This may affect Honors eligibility for recognition at the ceremony vs. the final status posted on the college transcript and diplomas, i.e. Honors status may change as final grades are submitted. 


Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society (PTK)

The GPA used for PTK membership and ongoing eligibility per semester of enrollment is based on the Cuyamaca College GPA and units completed, which is different than the OVERALL degree-applicable GPA used for Graduating with Honors in the semester of completion. 


Note: Being a member of PTK is not the same as Graduating with Honors. Please contact the Cuyamaca College Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society for more information.




Contact: Lisa Di Bella (Last Name A-I)
Contact: Lisa Di Bella (Last Name J-Z)
Office: Admissions and Records
Student Services Building: G-102
Title: Evaluations Advisor
Hours: Mon - Thurs
8am - 5pm
9am - 1pm


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